That is what this Online Casino Bluebook is all about. Basically that have to top casinos and the deals in one place so you know where to go.
As far as design goes there isn't too much to it so visitors will be able to find what they are looking for quickly. Which is a plus in this day and age.
I suppose the best thing about Online Casino Bluebook would be that as soon as the site opens you have the Top 10 online Casinos which gets updated monthly. Each of the Top 10 Casinos have a review (some of which are still pending) and their Payout percentages.
On the left hand side where the navigation sits you have some choices. Click on the link and you are placed into Top 10 Casinos of that category for instance, No Deposit Casinos, Online Casinos, Bingo Halls, Poker Rooms, SportsBook.
As I mentioned above the usability is nice and simple. I am not going to put my web designer hat on and go through the code pointing out what should or should not have been done, but at least the site displays correctly in Safari, FireFox and Flock.
While surfing the site I came across a newsletter signup form which puts you in the draw for a $1000.00 monthly giveaway. Thats worth it.
Anyway if you are looking to get that new board or some other piece of equipment I recommend checking out Online Casino Bluebook.

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