You see their gear almost all over this blog. Simply because not only is their site design nice but their snow boarding gear is great. They have a huge range at cheap prices. So instead of reviewing either a snowboarding website or a product I thought I would review the ProBoardShop site instead.
Ok so let's get started. Like most snowboarders I am a fan of colour. As soon as you load up the ProBoardShop site you are hit with a green colour. Well actually that is the main colour scheme of the site everything is green. Then you hav ethe usual ads which you see on shops but these don't stick out. They are well positioned to create some interest.
Then comes all the link categories you could need. All of which are well positioned and easy to read. The ads down the right hand side fit in as well. This is where you usually see the changing ads. Like at the moment you get free sunglasses with every snowboard purchase. There is also the deal of the day box. Not this holds some great deals and of course like the name states it changes daily. I ask that if you are going to book mark ProBoardShop you use this link. I would greatly appreciate it, of course you can always just get on the site through here anyway.
As I promised I would be working on the design so I have to get back to it. I hope you enjoyed my mini review of ProBoardShop
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