Silver Stars is an online MMA Clothing retailer, that I came across by accident one day. Now it's not strictly related to snowboarders but I know there are a few of you that like to ware the alternative gear so I thought I would let you know about it.

First of all the website is great. The layout is nice and easy to work your way around. As soon as you get on there you notice the type of clothing it is and you would know what I mean when I say some of you will love it.
Something that is worth a special mention is the free ups shipping for US residents. If saving a few dollars on shipping gives you an extra day on the slopes i'm all for it.
Recently they have launched a new line called MMA Apparel. The stuff is great and will really set you out from the crowd. Who knows you might even appeal to one (or more) of those little snow bunnies we see around the place. A bit of extra activity off the slopes can't hurt.
Don't worry all you snowboards of the opposite sex. Silver Star has you covered with MMA Shirts and other items.

While going through the site I came across a great christmas idea from the guys at silver star! Vouchers! Now you can give someone a terrific gift and they can choose what they want. How simple is that. Before you know it you can have all your family and friends christmas shopping out the way with plenty more time for the things that really matter. These vouchers are like no other voucher you will see. It has that distinct silver star look about them, chances are the person you give it to will want to keep it for themselves.
As they say on their site. "Built for champions" are you one?
Look take my word for it. Head over to Silver Star and pick up some great gear.